Monday, May 30, 2016

Note #22

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you for remembering the Americans who died while serving in our country's armed forces.

Yesterday, my husband and I attended an annual potluck barbecue, held annually at a picturesque and immaculate farm located just outside of town. The couple hosting the event was honored for celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary, and a special video was shown that featured Keith and Kay Lou sharing memories of their years together. We laughed and we cried. It was a wonderful tribute to a wonderful couple.

60 years! WOW! That's a long time! My husband will celebrate his 60th birthday his week, so Bill, this note's for you.

Dear Bill,

Can you believe we met almost 39 years ago? I was attracted to you partially because you were so much fun to be around. You had a crazy sense of humor, lots of friends, and lip-synced Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel," complete with dancing and cartwheels, years before lip-syncing was in style. Over the years, you've continued to add fun to my life. The Tuna Museum, Happy Jack Chalk Mine, Unclaimed Baggage Center, Holiday Day Inn "Guests of the Day," and "howsyurmomnem" rank high on my fun vacation memories. Times when the kids were growing up, like the "human leaf smashers," still bring a smile to my face. Even now, simply sharing a family meal is usually filled with laughter.

I'm anticipating 39 more years of craziness and chuckles! Thanks for sticking with me all these years.

I love you.

P.S. Happy 60th Birthday! Let's celebrate at our son's wedding this weekend. It should be fun!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Note #21

As you can tell from last week's post, I've spent many years working in education, three in the classroom as a high school biology teacher and the last 16 in administration. However, my professional career actually began as a school nurse. For 18 years, I worked as a school nurse in K-12 schools, and I've supervised school nurses for an additional 29. I look at those figures, it appears that I've been working in education for 66 years! Hold on. Several of the positions were concurrent. For example, for 13 years I served as a school nurse and supervised the other nurses on staff.

Today, my administrative position includes also serving as the School Nursing Coordinator -- and I absolutely love my school nurses! Last week, I may have written that teaching is the most important profession. This week, I'm proud to add that school nursing is the best profession ever!

Dear ESU 8 School Nurses,

You make a difference in so many lives during your daily work with students, families, and school staff. You also impact my life in more ways that you'll ever know. You've taught me about service, humility, and dedication. Your actions exemplify compassion, hopefulness, and professionalism. Most of all, you've shown me the importance of maintaining a sense of humor, having fun at work, and establishing supportive friendships.

When you’re a nurse, you know that every day, you will touch a life or a life will touch yours. Thank you for touching mine.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Note #20

This weekend was filled with graduation celebrations. Memories of my own formal educational experiences and several influential teachers came flooding back. Today's note is written to my first grade teacher.

Dear Carolyn,

One of my first memories of school is a self-portrait that hung on the bulletin board in the first grade classroom at Franklin Elementary School. I drew a picture of myself, announcing "When I grow up, I want to be a teacher." In the drawing, I was dressed in a brightly colored dress with a full skirt, just like one that you wore in our classroom. You were a six-year-old girl's hero.

At home, my playtime was spent pretending to be a teacher. Dick, Jane, Sally, Puff, and Spot held important places in our basement playroom, right beside Dr. Seuss, the Palmer Method, and a chalkboard mounted on the wall. I loved creating bulletin boards for my mom's classroom, serving as a high school teacher's aide, and helping elementary math students as a summer school assistant.

Even now, after working for 37 years in the field of education, I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. Thank you for being a role model and inspiring me to become an educator. I truly believe teaching is the most important profession in the world.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Notes #19

It's Mother's Day - a day to celebrate our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, mothers-in-law, stepmothers, and anyone who serves as a mother. It's also a time to celebrate being a mother. This week's note is written to my children.

Dear Sarah and Jordan,

Thank you for being my reason to celebrate Mother's Day. You've both taught me so much, and continue to teach me what it means to be a mom. I've learned about patience, integrity, honesty, and perseverance. You taught me how to make sandwiches with that dreadful mayonnaise and spend hours conversing on FaceTime. You introduced me to Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, YMCA basketball, flag football, and Junior Olympics track meets. Care Bears, Ninja Turtles, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Koosh Balls, Yahtzee, Super Soakers, and balls of all shapes and sizes surrounded us. The hours I spent cheering for both of you at academic and athletic competitions rank high on my list of memories. The "waving game," family vacations, holiday traditions, Special K bars, refried beans, and vegetable casserole hold special significance, as does the list of "50 Reasons Why We Love Mom" that greets me every morning from its place on the dresser. Laughter, humor, and fun are part of our family life.

I never realized the depth of love between a mother and child until I became a mom, too. You're both very special to me in your own unique ways. Remember that I'm here for you - always and forever.

I love you.

P.S. I'm sorry we were unable to go to the fish hatchery today. Maybe next year - ha ha!

P.S.S. I've taken great joy in watching you become such wonderful young adults. Sarah, your positivity, willingness to serve, empathy for others, and sincere friendships portray your deep faith in God and love for mankind. Jordan, your leadership skills, human insight, strong friendships, and ability to make us laugh demonstrate your strong-willed personality and love for life. I am proud to be your mom.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Note #18

Today is May Day, a special day that brings back fond memories of creating, delivering, and receiving May baskets back when I was an elementary student. After placing the basket carefully on the doorstep and ringing the doorbell, I remember trying to "get caught" by a few boys in my class. However, I probably wasn't the girl they wanted to catch, so I never did get a May Day kiss.

One boy in my class stands out in my May Day recollections. This week's note is written to Richard.

Dear Rich,

Happy May Day from a former Franklin Elementary School classmate! I have memories of you delivering a beautiful lavender May basket to my home when we were in either fifth or sixth grade. I'm guessing that your mom "made you do it" -- and that every girl in our class received one, too.

I actually have a lot of school memories that involve you, like the time Dawn and I sold you a large number of salamanders and toads that we'd collected from neighborhood window wells. Do you recall playing a piano duet with me entitled "Leaky Faucet?" I think we were the "stars" of the third grade school recital! Most of my humorous memories associated with band include you. Band Banquet skits, the long bus ride on our Band Trip to the Rose Festival and World's Fair, stage band performances, etc., etc. "Those were the days!"

Happy Memories!