As you've probably noticed from reading earlier posts, I'm privileged to work in the field of education. August is an unbelievably busy month and I'm behind on writing notes. Let's get started!
George and Susie's family experienced unimaginable tragedy and grief -- and yet, their faith in God remains strong and steady. Note #31 is written to them.
Dear Susie,
Each morning I read "The Peace of Heaven" daily Bible verse and prayer on your Facebook page. I can't even describe how much comfort and peace are offered in these words. Your family inspires me, and countless others, with your courage, hope, and faith in our loving God. I believe in hard times we learn we're stronger than we imagined, God is closer than we realized, and we're loved more than we ever knew. Thank you for sharing your faith. You and your family are loved by many.
Note #32 is written to Linda, one of my coworkers.
Dear Linda,
Just a quick note to thank you for everything you do to help me at work. I appreciate the quick turn-around when I ask for information or assistance. Your efforts to organize the new Media Center, arrange the resources, and weed items that are no longer requested have not gone unnoticed. Thanks so much! I enjoy seeing you smile, hearing your laughter, and am grateful we can work together.
Looking forward to a positive school year!