Sunday, October 30, 2016

Note #44

Tomorrow is Halloween -- and memories of Halloween 1991 come flooding back. A late fall blizzard hit the state that year. Halloween trick-or-treating was postponed, and our anticipated move was delayed a week. In fact, this was such a momentous event that our 1991 family Christmas letter was entitled "Twas the Night Before Halloween," a parody of "The Night Before Christmas."

Fortunately, for the past 25 years, we've been fortunate to live in that beautiful, new home. This week's note is written to our home builder, Mike.

Dear Mike,

Halloween weekend reminds me of our 1991 move into our newly constructed home. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for you and your crew for building our beautiful and comfortable home. The craftsmanship is superb and we truthfully enjoyed every minute of the building process. Thank you for designing and constructing a structure that is now filled with 25 years of special family memories. It's not simply a house. It's our home.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Note #43

This week, medical appointments are on my calendar. I always get just a little nervous on the days preceding my mammogram and subsequent visit to the oncologist. I say a prayer. Lose a few pounds. And thank God for all the blessings in my life. One of those blessings is Tami, and this week's note is written to her.

Dear Tami,

Almost 16 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Many medical appointments followed, necessitating frequent six-hour, round trip drives to meet with physicians and discuss treatment options. One such appointment was impossible for Bill to attend. With no family members nearby, you volunteered to ride to Lincoln and back with me as I met with the surgeon who minced no words in telling me, "You could die from this." We stopped at a Chinese restaurant for dinner on the way home. I'll never forget either the fortune I removed from the cookie ("You will enjoy a long and happy life.") or how much I appreciated your kindness, uplifting words, and friendship on that difficult day. Thank you.

FROG - Fully Rely On God

Monday, October 17, 2016

Note #42

It's already Thursday! WOW! Due to a stretch of exceptionally busy days and nights, I've been unable to post my latest note. However, the recipient has been on my mind for many hours.

Last week, our agency hosted a four-day accreditation review. As one of the lead organizers, for the past few months, my work focused on this external review. Documentation and artifacts related to each of the five standards were linked to a Google Site. These items, along with presentations and interviews, helped to "tell our story" in a truthful, straightforward fashion.

Stating the truth. Sticking to the facts. Being honest. These personal attributes are discussed daily as they relate to our current political scene. Many years ago, a former administrator shared some simple advice that has remained with me over the years. This week's note is written to Don.

Dear Don,

Years ago, you shared some advice. This simple statement has stuck with me ever since. Your words? "Always tell the truth because then you don't have to remember what you said." I've attempted to follow this advice and instill the same values in my children. Also, thank you for encouraging me to continue my education, for without your trust in my abilities, I would never be where I am today.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Note #41

I didn't have anyone special in mind for today's post. However, as I was preparing dinner just a few minutes ago, I knew who needed to receive this week's note of thanks.

The chicken and rice casserole entrée that I prepared is my "go to recipe." I think it's about time I thank Debra for sharing this recipe with me.

Dear Debra,

This afternoon as I was preparing my favorite chicken and rice casserole dish, I realized I've never taken the time to thank you for sharing the recipe with me over 25 years ago. It is truly my "go to dish" for family dinners, potlucks, and special events. I've shared the recipe with many others, and it's even printed in our family cookbook. Tonight, I'll think of you with every delicious bite!

Thank you, keep on cooking, and I hope our paths cross again soon.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Note #40

I just purchased a ukelele. Why? I truly have no idea except I want to learn something "new" that brings back memories of my childhood.

As a fifth grader, beginning ukelele instruction was part of our music curriculum - and I loved it! So much, in fact, that I used my birthday money to buy a ukelele. I remember lying in a hammock, singing songs while playing simple chords on my uke. I wonder what the neighbors thought?!

This week's note is written to my friend and P.E.O. sister, Pat.

Dear Pat,

Guess what? I bought a tenor ukelele last week! Your P.E.O. program lit a fire within me and I knew I simply had to get one. The four basic chords I learned 50 years ago stayed with me, but I've discovered that my fingers aren't nearly as nimble as they were when I was 10! However, I'm determined to challenge my brain as I attempt to strum harmonious sounds from this instrument. Thanks for being the impetus for this musical adventure!
