This week, medical appointments are on my calendar. I always get just a little nervous on the days preceding my mammogram and subsequent visit to the oncologist. I say a prayer. Lose a few pounds. And thank God for all the blessings in my life. One of those blessings is Tami, and this week's note is written to her.
Dear Tami,
Almost 16 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Many medical appointments followed, necessitating frequent six-hour, round trip drives to meet with physicians and discuss treatment options. One such appointment was impossible for Bill to attend. With no family members nearby, you volunteered to ride to Lincoln and back with me as I met with the surgeon who minced no words in telling me, "You could die from this." We stopped at a Chinese restaurant for dinner on the way home. I'll never forget either the fortune I removed from the cookie ("You will enjoy a long and happy life.") or how much I appreciated your kindness, uplifting words, and friendship on that difficult day. Thank you.
FROG - Fully Rely On God
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