Sunday, April 28, 2019

2019 - Notes #15 and #16

These next two notes were written to two special women.

The first is Rose. She and I worked together for many years and share a lot of memories. When Rose retired, she left a white sweater hanging in a closet beneath a staircase. Since this closet was located immediately next to my office, I often found myself grabbing it when the air conditioning was just a little too cool for comfort.

Over the past 18 months, our office relocated across the street while our facility was renovated. We recently moved back...and so did the sweater. In fact, now it hangs on a hook located on the back of my office door. Just last week, I found myself wrapped in the sweater once again. I have a feeling that the sweater will remain in the office even after I retire :-)

Dear Rose,

Although we have moved back into our renovated building and most items surrounding me are new, I often find myself wearing a "piece" of the old facility -- your sweater! Every time I put it on, I think of you :-)


The second note is written to Shirley. She and my mom shared a wall when they taught elementary school in the same building. Shirley taught first grade and my mom was right next door in the second grade classroom. Their friendship has survived the destruction of their school building, changes in school assignments, international travel experiences too numerous to count, family responsibilities, Husker sporting events, and neighborhood get-togethers.

My husband and I live a good three-hour drive from my hometown. As my mom gets older, it's a relief to know she is surrounded by a loving neighborhood that includes her best friend.

Dear Shirley,

Just a note to say how grateful I am that my mom has you for a close friend. You've had so many good times together, including extensive travel experiences, that you share a wealth of memories.

It's difficult living a distance from her. I'm especially thankful she has a strong support system at home. I'm sure I'll see you frequently in the weeks ahead. We'll have to go out for another Crispy Chicken Salad!


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