Sunday, August 21, 2016

Note #34

You may have guessed from some of my earlier posts that education and music play huge roles in my life. In my professional role as an educator, I'm privileged to serve schools, teachers, and students in schools across our area of the state. In my community, I often play the piano for weddings, funerals, church services, and other events.

I also used to play the alto sax. I still remember lugging that huge, heavy instrument home. I couldn't wait to start 5th grade band and practically taught myself how to finger all the notes before practice ever started. I loved band, I loved playing my saxophone, and I loved being part of our community's hugely successful band tradition. Of course, it takes a special teacher to motivate students.

This week's note is written to that man, my favorite teacher of all time, Mr. Straatmann.

Dear Verle,

This morning as I listened again to the beautiful song you wrote for Janie, my mind wandered back to an elementary band practice at Franklin School. You played "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" on the piano using major 6th chords. Whenever I hear a major 6th, see a marching band, or hear "Moonlight Serenade," I think of you. Most of my favorite memories of school revolve around band. Of all the wonderful teachers I had, you were the only one who inspired me to achieve goals I never knew I had. Once in a while, I'll open the case of my also saxophone. The beautiful instrument and smell of cork grease takes me back to high school band and all the special memories.

Thank you for motivating me - and our entire band - to be the best. We were definitely #1.


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